Thursday, August 28, 2014

No Napping Madeliene..........

Welp! No napping Madeleine is back, and I really hope she goes away! It seems that our regular, daily naps are becoming more and more sporadic. KILL ME NOW!!! I still try daily to put her down in her crib for a nap, but she usually just spends an hour running or jumping in her crib. Plus, she likes to talk or sing to herself. At least, mommy gets a little quiet time!
The only good thing that comes from no naps, are early bedtimes. Hallelujah <raises arms in the air>. I've been trying desperately everyday to make sure that little gremlin is tried out by the end of the day... parks, beach, play group, and running around the house and backyard. This chick does not tire!

Yesterday we went to the Aquarium of the Pacific, in Long Beach (and yes, yes, I was singing and rapping to Snoop Dogg in my car as I was rolling through the hood. And yes, I might have sped through the hood to get out of their faster!). Ok, there are two ways that a toddler, mainly Madeleine, can act in public, 1.) she is calm, cool, listens to me, and overall doesn't embarrass me while I'm out mingling with other civilized human beings. 2.) She completely loses her shit and acts like she has no sense! Complete melt down city! FYI, there is a third scenario, and this usually happens just about every day; 1 & 2 happen! She surprised me most of the time and was on her best behavior! She did lose her shit when she wanted to just ride up and down the elevator. Look chick, I didn't drive 50 minutes and pay $22, so you could ride an elevator! You better look at the sea creatures!! 

I thought for sure she would nap in the car on the ride home. NOPE. She sang her little heart out to Kings of Leon and fell asleep 5 minutes before we got home. I tried to do a successful transfer from the car to the crib. HA! NO NAP FOR YOU! (said in the soup nazi's voice).

Well today is one of those rare days where she is napping so I'm going to take advantage of some free time and get some stuff done. And by stuff, I mean Netflix and Pinterest. 

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