Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Ok people, I was going to get back to you guys last week about some more products that my friend, Marie, sent me, buuuuuuttttt I have been in the middle of a Netflix binge. I started watching Sons of Anarchy a few weeks ago, and I thought for sure I would not be a fan (motorcycles aren't my thaaaang!). Well, I was wrong!!!! I turned into a complete junky for this show.

I caught myself staying up until 3am watching and then watching in the morning before Madeleine woke up. I was putting Madeleine down for naps early when I knew she wasn't ready for one. I even turned down the volume on the baby monitor when I would hear her wake up. I would be in almost tears on the days she didn't nap, because I knew I wouldn't be able to watch (side note: I think it's just down right RUDE for children not to nap!). I would ignore phone calls from friends. DON'T JUDGE ME!

I was on the verge of trading in Morgan's truck for a motorcycle just so he could join a motorcycle club <insert the drama here>. I was yearning for Morgan to call me his "Old Lady," in the endearing way, not "Hey, old lady, you're old!" I almost went on an all black and leather shopping spree. You guys get the idea.......

I binge watched 5 seasons and then got super pissed, because season 6 isn't on Netflix yet. Say what?!?! Netflix, you mean to tell me that I couldn't even catch up on the latest season yet?!?! How is this an acceptable way to live? Who do we have to call to get this rectified? Councilmen, Senators, the Marines, the President? The injustice! I was this close to biting the bullet and paying for them on Amazon, buuuuuuut I was being cheap. But, if season 6 is not out by mid-September, I RIOT!!! Just kidding, I'll pay for them on Amazon ;)

The kicker.... Morgan hasn't seen season 5, so I get to re-watch them with him on the weekends. I win! I will be singing this on the weekends..............

I actually had a point to make on this post. I will be writing part one of my review for the Orlando Pita Volume Boosting Shampoo & Conditioner (I''ll explain why it's a two-part review). I'm hoping to have it up by tomorrow night. I better stay off Netflix! 

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